Euronews: EU calls Azerbaijan reliable partner

European Union calls Azerbaijan a reliable partner, Euronews wrote, Report informs.

18 July 2022 Link to the news
Afgan Isayev: There is potential to transport hydrogen through SGC

There is potential to transport hydrogen through the Southern Gas Corridor (SGC).

03 June 2022 Link to the news
Ilham Aliyev: Importance of SGC becoming more and more obvious now

Azerbaijan has been an exporter of natural gas to Europe, and Albania has always supported this initiative," Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev told a one-on-one meeting with visiting Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, Report informs.

14 April 2022 Link to the news
Fitch Affirms Southern Gas Corridor CJSC's Eurobonds at BB+

Fitch Ratings has affirmed Southern Gas Corridor CJSC's (SGC) senior unsecured Eurobond's long-term foreign-currency rating at BB+

07 February 2022 Link to the news
Launch of TAP has positive impact on pricing in Italian gas market

The full commissioning of the Trans-Adriatic Gas Pipeline (TAP) allowed Italy to become an active player in the European gas market and sell natural gas to neighboring countries this winter.

18 January 2022 Link to the news
TAP announced final volumes of Azerbaijani gas supplies to Europe

The volume of Azerbaijani gas exported to Europe via the Trans-Adriatic gas pipeline (TAP) since December 31, 2020 amounted to 8.1 bcm, the TAP AG pipeline company said.

15 January 2022 Link to the news
Southern Gas Corridor playing crucial role for Europe’s energy security – analysis

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev said in his interview with local TV channels on January 12 that the country will export around 19 billion cubic meters of gas this year.

13 January 2022 Link to the news
SOCAR increases participation in Shah Deniz and South Caucasus Pipeline projects

The State Oil Company of Azerbaijan (SOCAR) increases its share in the Shah Deniz and South Caucasus Pipeline projects.

10 December 2021 Link to the news
President: Azerbaijan exported via SGC over 14 bcm of natural gas for 10 months of this year

Completion of the Southern Gas Corridor project is a historical achievement for Azerbaijan, for the country’s neighbors, for Europe, because it’s an important factor of European energy security, it’s an important instrument of diversification

04 November 2021 Link to the news
TAP launches Public Consultation on the TAP Network Code

Baar, Switzerland. Between 12 October 2021 and 11 November 2021, Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) AG is undertaking a public consultation on proposed revisions to the TAP Network Code

12 October 2021 Link to the news