The Trans Adriatic Pipeline is substantially complete.

After almost 4,5 years since the start of construction, the Trans Adriatic Pipeline is substantially complete. The TAP pipeline has been filled with natural gas from the Greek-Turkish border up to the pipeline receiving terminal in Southern Italy.

13 October 2020 Link to the news
TAP will be ready for operations in fall

The Trans-Adriatic Gas Pipeline (TAP), built to transport Azerbaijani gas to Europe, will be ready for launch in October-November this year.

17 July 2020 Link to the news
TAP project 96,4% completed

At the end of June 2020, the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) project was 96.4 percent completed, the TAP AG consortium reports.

16 July 2020 Link to the news
SOCAR Turkey receives highest award in Turkey

SOCAR Turkey (Turkish subsidiary of the Azerbaijani state oil company SOCAR) has become a leader in the list of exporters of products

08 July 2020 Link to the news
TAP to transport first gas to Italy in Q4.

The developer of the Trans Adriatic Pipeline, TAP AG, confirmed late July 2 its commitment to deliver first Azerbaijani gas into Italy in the fourth quarter of this year

04 July 2020 Link to the news
5.8 bln. c/m of gas transported via TANAP so far.

As of June 29, the volume of gas delivered to Turkey via Trans-Anatolian Gas Pipeline (TANAP) reached 5.8 billion cubic meters

30 June 2020 Link to the news
Fitch Affirms Southern Gas Corridor CJSC's Notes at 'BB+'

Fitch Ratings has affirmed Southern Gas Corridor CJSC's (SGC) senior unsecured Eurobonds' long-term foreign-currency rating at 'BB+'.

13 March 2020 Link to the news
Opening ceremony of TANAP-Europe connection held in Ipsala settlement, Turkey.

An opening ceremony of the Europe link of the TANAP gas pipeline has been held in Ipsala settlement, Edirne province, Turkey.

30 November 2019 Link to the news
TAP Introduces First Natural Gas into the Greek Section of the Pipeline as part of its Testing Phase.

On 25 November, the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) AG started to introduce the first natural gas into a 2 km section of the pipeline in Greece between the Evros river and the Kipoi compressor station.

26 November 2019 Link to the news
Energy minister: US always renders support for Azerbaijan’s energy initiatives.

Minister of Energy Parviz Shahbazov delivered a speech at the event entitled "Contract of the Century: Successful Activity for 25 Years", organized by the Caspian Policy Center in Washington.

22 November 2019 Link to the news